About Us

i2Vibes is a journey of self-discovery!

In this modern era, our uniqueness is getting overshadowed by group and social identities. We’ve stopped finding joy in our individual moments. i2Vibes aims to give back those personal moments, reminding you that YOU, as an individual, exist and deserve to find happiness within yourself.

By rediscovering ourselves, we can proactively address feelings of anxiety and depression before they escalate into chronic issues that might require intervention. i2Vibes is that guide to help you reconnect with the essence of who you are and find happiness independently.

Finding your happy vibe:

True happiness doesn’t hinge on others but on YOU!

Our aim is for you to steer clear of situations where achieving goals solely for others’ approval or popularity becomes the driving force. Instead, take a moment to reflect on what truly brings you happiness and pride, irrespective of others’ opinions.

Why publish only 1 post per day:
Selecting a single happy moment from a multitude allows us to revisit previous instances of joy. Often, we find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of constantly generating new happy moments, neglecting the opportunity to relive the cherished experiences of the past. In our relentless quest for more, we inadvertently overlook the significance of quality over quantity. It’s a paradoxical truth that, at times, the sheer abundance of moments may not hold as much value as the depth and richness found in a select few. Sometimes, it’s not about the quantity but the quality that truly matters.